Sunday, April 15, 2007

Powder, Liquid or Foam

Modern technology in public restrooms seems to be growing at a new pace. The good news is that I am sometimes finding these adventures a great cognitive therapy opportunity. I would really like your input on this so that possibly we can all change with the times
( or be function at best) and grow together to make this place a better world.

My first area of concern is soaps.

I have always enjoyed the distinct texture and scent of "classic" liquid soap in public restrooms. In fact in retrospect I think I actually looked forward to it. When using this soap I knew by the weight that I had soap on my hands without really paying attention. Unfortunately the new watery soaps or foams are so light I have to take a 2nd look to see if I even got anything. In "the old days" the soap scent was specially reserved for public restrooms. Now the soaps being used are the same scent as the ones I use at home. From a aromatic perspective public restroom have lost a piece of that distinct nuance I used to enjoy.

Having broached this topic with another person I am finding that others also have staunch opinions about public restroom soaps. In fact since discussing this with her we can no longer go into a public restroom without her getting on her soap box and making further attempts to convince me to becoming a pubic restroom foam soap lover.....b-r-rother! It is a good thing that I love her for who she is and can see the beauty in her individuality. So far I am standing firm on my convictions. However, I will try to remain open minded to any new insights on this matter. Please take a moment out of your busy day of thinking about things that really do matter and share your opinion. If you have other "public restroom" or other seemingly unimportant issues you would like to forum in a clean manner let me know.

Since I am new to this and also invited others who may be new I just wanted to let you know how to comment. Click on the word "comment" which is located below this post on the right . You do not need to have a blog or sign up for anything. You can type your comment in the box and click anonymous to send it. It will come to me for approval so you may have to wait a while to see it. If the seasoned bloggers know a better way to display this let me know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.